Changing the input period for appraisal forms (administrator)

When you define an appraisal form, you can specify an input period. The input period determines the time when employees and managers can specify data on an appraisal. If you do not specify an input period, managers and employees can specify data as soon as appraisals are displayed in their respective spaces.

If you must change the input dates after resource appraisals have been generated for the appraisal form, you can change the input period, if available.

  1. Select Administrator > Performance > Appraisal Forms.
  2. On the Forms tab, select or open the appraisal form for which to modify the input period.
  3. Select Actions > Change Input Period.
    Note: This action appears only on appraisal forms that have been used to generate resource appraisals.
  4. On the Change Input Period form, specify one of these options:
    • A date range
    • A set number of days before and after, overlapping the end of the performance review period. For example, assuming 5/31 as the review period end, 5 days before and 10 days after would mean an input period of 5/26 to 6/10.
    • Beginning and ending dates before the end of the performance review period. For example, assuming 5/31 as the end of the review period with 30 days start and 15 days end would mean an input period of 5/1 to 5/16.
    • Beginning and ending dates after the end of the performance review period. For example, assuming 5/31 as the end of the review period with 1 day start and 30 days end would mean an input period of 6/1 to 6/30.
  5. Click OK.
    The appraisal form is updated. All appraisals that were created with the appraisal form are updated with the new input period.