Defining appraisal criteria

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Performance > Appraisal Criteria.
  2. On the Criteria tab, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:

    Specify a name for the rating. For example, Leader.


    The appraisal criteria is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.


    Specify the text that is displayed on the appraisal for this criteria. For example, Takes the lead when assigned to projects.

    Response Type

    Select the type of response. For example, Yes/No, multiple choice, long text, or rating scale.

    Note: If you select Rating Scale, select the rating scale on the appraisal form sections.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If you select Multiple Choice in the Response Type field, the Response Option tab is displayed. To define the multiple choice options, follow these steps:
    1. Click the Response Option tab.
    2. Click Create.
    3. In the Description field, specify a label for the response. For example, to create a set of five options (such as excellent, good, fair, below average, and poor), specify Excellent.
    4. Click Save and New.
    5. Continue adding responses for this criterion.
    6. Click Save.