Creating performance appraisals (manager)

Managers can create appraisals for employees reporting to them. The appraisal form that is used for the appraisal must be configured with a rule so that managers can create appraisals.

  1. Select Manager > Review Performance.
  2. On the My Staff tab, select the employees for whom to create an appraisal, and click Create Resource Appraisals.
  3. Specify this information:
    Appraisal Form

    Select the appraisal form to use as a template for the appraisal.

    Performance Review Period

    If a performance review period was specified on the appraisal form template, the dates are filled.

    If dates are not filled, you must specify a performance review period.

    No dates are filled if the appraisal form uses a Frequency and a From date (for example, Annually From Anniversary Date).

    Appraisal Due Date

    Specify the date by which the appraisal must be completed.

    If an appraisal due date was specified on the appraisal form template, the due date is displayed.

  4. Click OK.

    The appraisal is available to the manager under Review Performance > All Assigned To Me. If the appraisal form was set up for self-appraisals, the appraisal is also available to the employee for whom the appraisal was created.

    If an error occurs during this process, an Errors tab is displayed to review the errors.