Infor Coleman Artificial Intelligence

Infor Coleman Artificial Intelligence is a machine-learning platform that can make your operation more efficient. It removes some of the decision making from users and giving it to the system. The Coleman AI platform uses programmed algorithms to produce a predictive model that is based on choices your organization makes. Over time, the platform predicts outcomes and behaviors and generates recommended actions. Recommendations are refined as the AI is exposed to data over time. For example, the system can be trained to recommend next steps when a specific safety incident event, such as a needlestick, is logged.

Recommendations are listed in a panel in Occupational Health. Users cannot select options in the list. Instead, users must initiate components manually.

  • Machine learning uses programmed algorithms that analyze input data to produce a model that predicts outcomes for specific business cases. As new data is processed through the algorithm, models learn to optimize their operations and improve performance, gradually providing more accurate predictions or recommendations.
  • Coleman AI can forecast outcomes and future business tendencies and behavior. Coleman AI learns from observations, identifies patterns in data, and explores options and possibilities. These predictions and forecasts can further optimize and automate business processes.
  • You can use Coleman AI to interactively explore data, transform it, develop, train, test and compare machine-learning models. Then you can choose and deploy the most efficient and most accurate model for your needs. You can evaluate model metrics, retrain and redeploy new versions of the model, and track AI performance.
  • Pre-built and pre-configured machine learning algorithms and data-handling modules are available. Business users with basic or modest knowledge of data science and machine learning can benefit from using the platform.