Updating proficiency levels

  1. Select To Do > Qualification Requests, and click the Competency Proficiencies or Skill Proficiencies tab.

    or select My Staff > View Full Profile > Talent Profile, and select the competency or skill for which to update proficiency level.

    Note: On the employee's talent profile, a yellow flag denotes that a request has been submitted.
  2. Click Update Proficiency.
  3. Specify this information:

    Select a reason for the action.

    Requested Rating

    Select (or confirm) the new proficiency level.

    Attachment Description, File Name

    Attach an applicable document.


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    The competency or skill is removed from the Qualification Requests view.

    On the employee's talent profile, the proficiency level of the skill or competency is updated. If there was a request to update the proficiency, the yellow flag and the Requested Rating value are removed.