Associating personal or activities with a direct report's goal

Associating a personal or activity with a goal does not make these items functionally interdependent. For example, completing a personal or activity associated with a goal does not change the goal completion percentage. The advantage of associating a resource's personal or activity with a goal is to let you see the relationship in one place. If you open a personal or activity, you can see its associated goals and their statuses. If you open a goal, you can see its associated personal and activities and their statuses.

This action is not available on the Development Tasks list.

To associate a personal or activity with a goal.

  1. Select Manager > Develop Employees > Development Plans.

    or Select My Staff > My Staff > View Full Profile.

  2. On the Active Activities panel, open the activity.
  3. Click Associate With Goal.
  4. Specify the goal you want to associate with the activity.
  5. Click OK.