Assigning an activity

  • If your organization uses Infor Learning Management, you can register an employee for Infor Learning Management courses directly in Infor Learning Management. Select Develop Employees > Employee Learning and click Manage. Click Courses to view the direct reports that are eligible to take a course and register them. You can also impersonate a user and register a specific direct report to any available courses. For more information, see the Infor Learning Management documentation.
  • Your organization might also concurrently have internal activities without sessions, for which you would use the normal Assign Activity process.

Activities can also be requested by employees or assigned by mentors or by learning managers.

To assign an activity, follow these steps:

  1. Access the personal activities for the employee.
    • Select Manager > Develop Employees > Development Plans. Open the employee's development plan. On the Activities tab, click Assign Activity.
    • Select My Staff, right-click the name of the employee, and select Assign Activity.

    If your organization uses learning budgets, you can also access this action from a budget detail.

  2. Specify this information:
    • The fields vary, depending on your country configuration and whether your organization uses learning budgets.
    • If you are using Infor Learning Management, these fields are displayed: Activity, Due Date, Priority, and Comments. If the course has sessions, you must access the Infor Learning Management portal to register the employee for a session.
    Employment ID
    Complete this field for learning budgets. Select the employment ID of the resource for which the activity is requested. If you access this form from a resource, this field is read-only.
    Activity ID
    Select the activity to assign to the direct report.
    Proposed New Activity
    Complete this field for learning budgets. If the activity does not exist, specify a descriptive name for the activity to be created.
    Start Date
    Complete this field for learning budgets. Specify the start date for the activity to assign the activity to a budget.
    Due Date
    Specify the due date for the activity.
    Do not complete this field for learning budgets. If you select a session, do not select the Allow Resource to Select Session check box.

    If this option is selected, the direct report is assigned to the selected activity with a confirmed or wait listed registration for this session, depending on the session's capacity.

    Allow Resource To Select Session
    Do not complete this field for learning budgets. If you select this check box, do not select a session.

    If you select this option, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration.

    Select this check box to add the activity to the development plan if this is a required activity for the direct report. Clear this check box if the activity is not required.

    Direct reports can only withdraw from non-required activities. You can cancel non-required activities and waive required activities.

    Optionally, specify a number to represent the priority for the personal activity. This field is informational only.
    Request Origin
    Complete this field for learning budgets. Select the origin of the request.
    Optionally, specify additional comments.
  3. Click Submit.
    • If your organization uses learning budgets, the status is Activity Requested. The learning manager must approve the activity.
    • If your organization does not use learning budgets, the direct report is registered for the requested session if one was selected and there is availability. The status is then Confirmed Registration or Wait Listed. If no session is available, or the resource selected a session, the status is Needs Registration. If no session is required, the status is Registration Confirmed.
    • If your organization uses Infor Learning Management:
      • If you assigned the direct report to a catalog activity that was not imported from Infor Learning Management, the status is Registration Confirmed.
      • If you assigned the direct report to an Infor Learning Management activity, the status is Registered.

        The status is updated to Not Started when the direct report is registered for an event (in Infor Learning Management).:

        The status is updated to In Progress when the direct report launches a self-directed course in Infor Learning Management.