Setting up proxies to perform tasks on your behalf

To be a proxy grantor, the administrator must set up your roles as proxyable and assign the appropriate proxy roles to you. You can proxy only the roles that are assigned to you. The administrator must also assign a ProxyUserRole to any employees to whom you want to grant proxy access.

  1. Sign in to Infor HR Talent as Manager.
  2. Select Proxy, then click the Proxy Management link.
  3. Select Home.
  4. Optionally, click the Proxy Assignment tab to view all the proxies that you are involved in either as the grantor or the grantee.
  5. Click the Proxy Definition tab.
  6. Click Create.
  7. On the Proxy Details page, specify this information:

    Select the actor who is granting the proxy, then click Ok.

    Proxy Name

    Specify a name for the proxy. For example, Direct Manager or Hiring Manager.

    From Date

    If you want to enable the proxy as of a specific date, specify a From Date.

    To Date

    If you want the proxy to be valid only for up to a specific date, specify a To Date.


    Clear the check box to disable the proxy. A proxy actor sees only enabled proxies.

  8. Click Save.

    The Proxy Roles and Proxy Granted To Actors tabs are displayed on the same page.

  9. On the Proxy Roles tab, add the proxy role or roles that you are granting.
    1. Click Create.
    2. Select one of the roles you want to grant the proxy actors.

      You are able to select only proxy roles that have been assigned to you.

    3. Click Save if this is the only role, or click Save and New to grant more than one role.

      These roles are proxyable:

      • HiringManager_ST
      • ProxyBonusObjective_ST
      • ProxyDirectSupervisor_ST
      • ProxySalaryAwarding_ST
      • ProxyTimeOffApprover_ST
      Depending on your profile, you might not be able to assign all these roles.
  10. On the Proxy Granted To Actors tab, add all the actors that will be allowed to perform the listed proxy roles on your behalf.
    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Granted To field, select the employees that will be allowed to perform the listed proxy roles on your behalf.
    3. Click Save if this is the only employee, or click Save and New to grant the proxy roles to more than one employee.

      The employees that you added can now see your user ID when selecting Manager > User Preferences > Switch To Proxy. When selecting your user ID, the proxy employees are logged in to Manager Space as you and are able to perform the roles that you assigned to them (and no other roles).