Completing goals (goal leader)

Goal leaders can put any goals in Complete status that use the goal categories for which they are responsible.

Note: Completing a goal is not reversible. You cannot change a goal after you complete it. However, if a completed goal is included on an appraisal form, employees and managers can modify the rating.
  1. Select Goal Leader > Resource Goals.
  2. Select the employee.
  3. On the Active tab, right-click the active goal to complete and select Complete.
  4. On the Complete form, specify the percentage of completion and the date of completion. Specify the manager's rating for rated goals. Optionally, specify comments.
    Note: If the goal uses external results, the rating is calculated automatically based on the currently specified results. You cannot change it. You can also complete a goal from the Results form.
  5. Click OK.
    The goal is moved to the Historical tab.
    Note: You can delete a completed goal. If you receive a message that the goal has an associated activity, unassign the activity on the Activities tab before you complete the goal.