Defining rating scales for goals

Note: You can use the same rating scale to rate performance appraisals, goals, competencies, and skills. This procedure focuses on the fields that are required for goals.
  1. Select Administrator > Setup > Rating Scales.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Select the date on which the rating scale is effective.
    Rating Scale
    Specify a name for the scale.
    Specify a description of the rating scale.
    Use for Employee Goals
    Select this check box for this rating scale to be used for resource goals.
    Note: You can use multiple rating scales for employee goals
    Eligibility Group
    If you select Use For Employee Goals, you can also select an eligibility group. If so, the rating scale can be assigned only to goals for resources that are members of the eligibility group.
    Note: Goal eligibility groups must be defined by selecting Administrator > Setup > Custom Groups. The business class must be WorkAssignment. The subject must be HCMGroupGoal. For information on defining custom groups, see the Infor HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.
    Specify the number of levels to use in the scale.
    The rating scale is active by default. Clear this check box to inactivate the rating scale.
  4. If you selected Goal External Results on the organization's Configurable Features tab, on the Goal Results tab, use text variables to define the rating scale and rating criteria text for goals that use external results.
    Right-click and select Variables to select the variables to be displayed.
    Note: If you upgraded from an Infor HR Talent version earlier than, to use an existing rating scale for goals with external results, you must define the text.

    When a resource or organizational goal is created for a goal that uses external results, the goal creator can specify the result ranges on the Rating Criteria tab. The result ranges are displayed on the employee goals.


    Select this variable to show the rating level, which is a number.

    Rating Level Label

    Select this variable to show the rating level label. For example, Good or Poor.


    Select this variable to show the From result range value for each level.


    Select this variable to show the Through result range value for each level.


    Select this variable to show the rating criterion used. For example, percent or days.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the record for each level and type a label and definition.
  7. For this rating scale to also be used to score performance appraisals, specify scores in the Score Range Begin and Score Range End fields. For more information on specifying scores for performance appraisals, see the Performance Management User Guide.

Goal results example

Assume a 5-level rating scale ranging from 1 - Does not meet to 5 - Outstanding, and this Goal Results string:

{RatingLevelLabel} = {ResultRangeFrom} to {ResultRangeThru} {RatingCriterion}

Assume that John's manager creates a customer satisfaction goal with an expected customer satisfaction rating of 75%, calculated externally. The manager defines the result ranges for each level on the Rating Criteria tab for the goal:

Rating Level Label Result Range From Result Range Thru Rating Criterion
1 Does not meet -999,999.00 69.99 %
2 Almost meets 70.00 74.99 %
3 Meets 75.00 79.99 %
4 Exceeds 80.00 89.99 %
5 Outstanding 90.00 999,999.00 %

The text generated on the Details tab of John's customer goal is displayed:

Does not meet = -999,999.00 to 69.99 %
Almost meets = 70.00 to 74.99 %
Meets = 75.00 to 79.99 %
Exceeds = 80.00 to 89.99 %
Outstanding  90.00 to 999,999.00 %