Elements of organizations

Organizational structure consists of a top-level organization and its subordinate organizational units. You can define as many levels of organizational units as needed to accurately reflect your organization.

Enterprise group

Enterprise groups and organizations are the highest level entities in Infor HR Talent. There is a one-to-one relationship between an enterprise group and an organization. The enterprise group must be defined before the corresponding organization can be defined. The organization must have the same identifier as the enterprise group.

Currency information is set up at the enterprise group level in HR Talent.

Organization structure top level

When you create an organization, the top level of the organization structure is automatically set up based on information that you provide. There is no reporting level above the organization top level.

Organization units

After the top-level organizational unit is created, build your organization structure by creating additional organizational units. Then specify the units to which each one reports. You must assign each organizational unit a name and description to identify it in the organization structure. For example, RADDEPT1 and Radiology Department. The unit's short and long descriptions do not have to be unique. The system automatically assigns a unique identification number to each organization unit, which is displayed on the screen.

When you define an organization unit, you specify another organization unit to which it reports. This enables future reorganization where you can change the unit to which the reorganized unit reports.

You can change the name of an organization unit at any time. For example, during a reorganization. The unit's history is preserved even when the name changes, because the unit is identified by an internally assigned number that does not change.

Organizational changes are recorded with effective dates so that you can report on the organization as it exists in any point in time.