Synchronizing responsibility weights

Because responsibility weights can be intentionally changed on responsibility groups, jobs, and positions, if you change a responsibility weight, it does not get automatically synchronized to the responsibility groups, jobs, and positions that use the responsibility. If you must change a weight wherever the responsibility is used, you can use the Synchronize Weight action. You can synchronize responsibilities or responsibility groups. If you synchronize responsibility groups, the original responsibilities remain unchanged.

  1. To synchronize selected responsibility weights:
    1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs and Positions > Job Components > Responsibilities.
    2. On the Responsibilities tab, select the responsibilities to synchronize, and select Actions > Synchronize Weight.
    3. Select the check boxes for the items to be synchronized. Select the Select All check box to synchronize all of the responsibility groups, jobs, and positions that use the selected responsibilities. You can synchronize any or all of these three items.
    4. Click OK. A prompt informs you that the weights will be updated on all jobs and positions.
    5. Click Yes to complete the synchronization, or No to cancel. Depending on which items you selected to synchronize, the responsibility weights are synchronized in all of the responsibility groups, jobs, and positions in which the selected responsibilities are used. Position sections on existing appraisal forms are not synchronized.
  2. To synchronize all of the responsibility weights in a responsibility group:
    1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs and Positions > Job Components > Responsibilities.
    2. In the Responsibility Groups section, select the responsibility group to synchronize.
    3. In the Responsibilities section, select Actions > Synchronize Weight. A prompt warns you that the weights will be updated on all jobs and positions.
    4. Click Yes to complete the synchronization, or No to cancel. The detailed responsibilities on all of the jobs and positions that use the responsibility group are synchronized with the responsibility group. Position sections on existing appraisal forms are not synchronized.