Creating an affirmative action report

  1. Select Administrator > Reports > Regulatory Reporting > US > Affirmative Action > Create Reports.
  2. Specify this information:
    Report Type

    Select the type of report to create. You can create a report containing only resources, only applicants, or both resources and applicants.

    Report Date

    Specify the date for which to create the report. Resources with a start date after the report date or termination date before the report date are automatically excluded.

    Date Selection

    Specify whether to use a resource's actual starting date of employment or an adjusted starting date. A resource might have an adjusted start date if they left the company for a period of time but then returned. Their start date might be adjusted to account for the period of time they were not with the company.

    Begin Date, End Date

    Only requisitions that have been filled within the report date range are included in the count analysis.

    Requisition Date Selection

    Specify whether to use the date the requisition was filled or the date the applicant was hired in the applicant report.

  3. Click Submit to create the report immediately or click Schedule to specify a time to create the report.
  4. To view the report results, select Administrator > Reports > Regulatory Reporting > US > Affirmative Action > Resource Reports or Administrator > Reports > Regulatory Reporting > US > Affirmative Action > Applicant Reports.