Gratuity payout

Gratuity payout applies to a terminated employee whose home country is India.
  • Resources with less than four years and 240 days of service (4.66 years) receive gratuity payout only when the termination reason is death or disablement.
  • Resources with more than four years and 240 days of service (4.66 years) receive a gratuity payout regardless of the termination reason.
  • Resources that are terminated due to death or disability receive a gratuity payout regardless of their number of years of service.
This calculation is used to determine the payout:
Gratuity Payout = Gratuity Wage x Multiplying Factor x Years of Service

You must create gratuity pay codes and benefit plans before processing the gratuity payout. After processing, the payout goes to HRM Time Entry.