Configuring email automation for HR Talent

Perform this task before setting up email automation.

Automatic Email rule and select a corresponding email template.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Email > Email Automation.
  2. Open the organization for which you are defining email automation.
  3. Specify the effective date.
  4. To use a customized corporate header and footer, select the To activate email automation for an action, you must select the Use Corporate Header And Footer check box.
    This check box is available if a header and footer have been created.

    See Configuring headers and footers for email templates in HR Talent.

  5. Click the appropriate tab.
    For example, to define email automation for leave of absence-related actions, click the Leave of Absence tab.
  6. For each action, select Automatic Email as the Email rule, and select the email template to format the email. Only the templates that are defined for this group of actions are displayed. For example, on the Leave of Absence tab, you can select only templates defined for leaves of absence.
    Note: With the appropriate security, you can define an email template directly from the Email template field.
  7. Click Save.