Creating accounting units

Use this procedure to create accounting units in Infor HR Talent. Accounting units are defined for a company. A company may not use all of the accounting units that are defined for it. The company must be selected for the accounting units that are used.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Prerequisites > Chart of Accounts > Accounting Units.
  2. From the Actions menu, select either Create or Create Within. The Create Within option creates a new accounting unit under the one that is currently selected.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the company by which this accounting unit can be used.
    Accounting Unit
    Specify the name of the accounting unit.
    Specify a description for the accounting unit.
    Parent Accounting Unit
    If you selected Create Within to create this accounting unit, the accounting unit that was selected is listed here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    Select the status of the accounting unit.
    Select the currency to use for this accounting unit.
    Posting flag
    Select how this accounting unit posts transactions from Infor HR Talent to Infor HR Management general ledger. Posting in summary versus detail is a matter of preference. To keep your ledger more general, select Summary.
    Chart section
    Select the section of the chart of accounts to which this accounting unit belongs.

Account Validation

Select Administrator > Set Up > Prerequisites > Account Validation to view and verify the complete GL account information. Each Account Validation record lists the valid Company, Accounting Unit, and Chart of Accounts combinations.

Note: You can also create new accounting units and detail accounts directly from the Account Validation screen.