Enabling loans as a configurable feature

Use this procedure to enable these functionalities:
  • Selection of Deduction Codes that have Deduction Type = Loan during the creation of Loan records
  • Enable Calculate Loanable Gratuity shortcut on the Payroll form
  • Columns for Estimated Loanable Gratuity, Bank Name and Loan Status on the Payroll form
  • Enable display of Recurring Loan Deductions and One Time Loan Deduction lists on the Payroll panel of the Resource Profile
  • Include in the Summary List of Employee Deduction, all employee deduction records having Deduction Type = Loan
  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organizations.
  2. Open the organization.
  3. On the Configuration tab, select the Loans check box.
  4. On the Country Configurable Fields tab, open the organization.
  5. On the Country Configurable Fields tab, open the country, and select the Show Payroll check box.
  6. Specify the Effective Date, and click Save.