Creating assessment packages

If the assessment package uses a vendor, you must create the assessment vendor before you can create the assessment package.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Screening.
  2. Click the Assessment Packages tab, select Actions > Create Assessment Package.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date for the assessment package.
    Specify the name of the assessment package. This is the only required field besides the effective date.
    Specify a description for the package. If left blank, the package name defaults.
    If the assessment is provided by a vendor, select the vendor.
    The package is active by default. Clear the check box to make the package inactive. Assessments created for inactive packages are not displayed on select lists.
    Assessment Validity Period
    If the assessment results have a renewal date, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that the assessment package results are valid. Organizations may want employees to be tested on a regular basis.
    Session Expiration
    If applicable, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that a candidate or resource has to complete the tests in the package.
    Auto Assign Package
    Select this check box to auto assign this package.

    If you also select a screening category, this package is automatically assigned to resources that are transferred to a position that is associated with the same screening category and to candidates for requisitions that are associated with the same screening category.

    If you also select a selection process, this package is automatically assigned to candidates when they are moved to the selected selection process.

    Screening Category
    Select a screening category to auto assign this package to resources or candidates, or if this package is to be assigned only to resources assigned to positions that match the screening category and candidates applying for requisitions that match this screening category.
    Note: A screening category is required if you select Auto Assign Package.
    Selection Process
    If you select a selection process, this package is assigned to candidates only when they are moved to this selection process.

    If you also select a screening category, the package can only be assigned to job applications where the requisition is associated with a position defined with the same screening category.

    If you also select Auto Assign Package, this package is automatically assigned to job applications that are moved to the selected process and match the screening category.

    Processing Type
    If you select Manual, the request to the third-party vendor for this package must be initiated by the HR administrator, recruiter administrator, or recruiter from the employee or candidate record, or the HR administrator or recruiter administrator can submit a Send Packages action for an eligibility group and screening category or assessment package.

    If you select Automatic, a service call to the vendor is initiated automatically when the assessment package is assigned to a resource or job application.

    Decision Point ID
    This value is provided by the vendor, if required.
    Specify the vendor cost for this assessment package.
    Note: This is informational only.
    The currency in which the vendor cost is expressed.
    Expense Account, Activity
    This field is available only if your organization is configured to use Chart of Accounts. Specify an expense account. If applicable, specify also an activity and account category. These fields are used to interface expenses and activities to Infor Lawson Financials.
    Cost Center, Project
    This field is available only if your organization is not configured to use Chart of Accounts. Specify a cost center and project. These fields are used to interface expenses and projects to a financial system other than Infor Lawson Financials.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If the assessment package has assessments, create the assessments.