Creating assessments for assessment packages

You must create an assessment package before you can create an assessment.

Assessments are not required.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Screening.
  2. Click the Assessment Packages tab.
  3. Select the assessment package for which to define an assessment, or open the assessment package and click the Assessments tab.
  4. On the Assessments pane, click Create.
  5. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the effective date for the assessment.


    (Read only) The selected package defaults.


    Required. Specify the assessment name.


    Specify a description for the assessment. If left blank, the assessment name defaults.


    The assessment is active by default. Clear the check box to make the assessment inactive.

    Score Type

    Select the score type.

    Passing Score

    If you specify Numeric Score for Score Type, specify the passing score.

    Assessment Validity Period

    If this assessment has a renewal date, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that the assessment results are valid. (Organizations may want employees to be tested on a regular basis).

    Session Expiration

    If applicable, specify the number of days, weeks, months, or years that a candidate or resource has to complete the assessment

  6. Click Save.