Inactivating job country attributes

If you inactivate a country attribute category, it and its associated codes and sub codes cannot be assigned to a job. If you inactivate a country attribute category code, the parent country attribute category can still be selected, but the code and its associated sub codes cannot be selected. If you inactivate a country attribute category sub code, the parent country attribute category and country attribute category code can be selected, but the sub code cannot be selected.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs and Positions > Job Components > Country Attributes.
  2. Open the job country attribute category, job country attribute code, or job country attribute sub code to inactivate.
    • To inactivate a job country attribute category, open the job country attribute category, clear the Active check box, specify an effective date, and click Save.

    • To inactivate a job country attribute code, on the Codes tab, open the job country attribute code you want to inactivate, clear the Active check box, specify an effective date, and click Save.

    • To inactivate a sub code, open the job country attribute code, then on the Sub Codes tab, open the sub code to inactivate, clear the Active check box, specify an effective date, and click Save.