Creating organization unit types

Create organization unit types before you create organization units.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organization Units.
  2. Click the Organization Unit Types tab.
  3. Click Create, and specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Select the date on which the organization unit type becomes effective.
    Unit Type
    Specify a short name. This typically indicates the function or level of the organization unit. For example, HOSPITAL or DEPARTMENT.
    Specify a description of the organization unit type. The default is Unit Type name.
    Specify the level (a number) that indicates the organization unit type's relative position within the organization.
    Note: Levels are used to create an equivalence between different organization unit types, independent of the organization structure, so that a department in one branch of the structure can be equivalent to a section in another branch of the structure. This feature can be leveraged in reports and process flows.
    Select this check box to make the organization unit type active. If an organization unit type is not active, it cannot be selected for an organization unit. The default is Active.
    Usage Rules
    If the Use For WFM Team Structure check box is selected, any employee that is assigned to that Organization Unit will have their Organization Unit structure sent as their Employee Hierarchy in the export to Infor Workforce Management. If Include Organization Unit Hierarchy is selected in the initial setup, any organization unit that is a descendant of the one selected is included.
  4. Click Save.