Enabling or disabling country configurable fields

For each country in which your organization operates, or may operate in the future, you can select which configurable fields are displayed in the user interface. These selections are implemented based on the country that is in the context of the operation the user is performing.

  1. Select Administrator > Setup > Structure > Organizations.
  2. Open the organization to configure.
  3. Click the Country Configurable Fields tab.
    Note: If you selected a default country when you created the organization, it is displayed. A configurable fields in use record is a read-only record containing all of the configurable field selections for all configured countries. The selections in this record are used when a country is not configured.
  4. Open the record for the default country, and select the fields to be displayed.
  5. Specify an effective date, and click Save.
  6. To add a new country configuration, on the Country Configurable Fields tab, click Create.
  7. Select the country for which to define configurable fields.
  8. Specify the effective date for the changes, and click Save.
  9. The Configurable Fields tab displays the list of fields that are configurable for this country. The fields that are normally displayed are preselected. Additional fields can be selected to be displayed, or deselected to be hidden.
  10. On the Payroll tab, specify this information:
    Payroll Currency
    Select the currency type that is used for payroll, such as CAD for Canadian Dollar.
    Legal Entity
    Select the legal entity used by this country.
    Workers Compensation Category
    Select the workers compensation category used by this organization.
    Workers Compensation Section 125 Deduction Class
    Select the Section 125 deduction class used by this organization.
    Prorate Match Deduction When Deferred Compensation Limit Met
    Select this check box to prorate match deductions when employees of this organization meet the deferred compensation limit.
  11. On the Payment Output tab, specify this information:
    Employee Payment Address
    Select the employee address to include in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    Check Pay Period Begin Date
    Select an option to determine the date that is populated as the Pay Period Begin date in the Payment Output Check record.
    Earnings Payment Description
    Select an option to determine which description to use for the earnings record payment description:
    • Pay Summary Group Description – Use this option to print the employee's earnings according to the pay summary group's payment description.
    • Pay Summary Group – Use this option to print the employee's earnings according to the pay summary group.
    Earnings Summary
    Select an option to use to determine the earnings record summary:
    • By Payment Description – Use this option to summarize the earnings record per check without considering work period/pay period date differences.
    • By Payment Description, Pay Period – Use this option to summarize the earnings details by pay period per check.
    • By Payment Description, Work Period, Pay Period – Use this option to summarize the earnings details by work period per check.
    Earnings Occurrences
    Specify the maximum number of unique earnings records to include in the Payment Output Earnings Record. If the number of current earnings records to be printed exceeds the limit, the remaining records are summarized in the last occurrence with a description of Other.
    Deduction Occurrences
    Specify the maximum number of unique deduction records to include in the Payment Output Earnings Record. If the number of current deduction records to be printed exceeds the limit, the remaining records are summarized in the last occurrence with a description of Other.
    Zero Net Checks
    Select whether checks with a net pay of zero are printed as checks or receipts.
    Include Absence Balances
    Select this check box to include absence balances in the printed payments.
    Organization Address
    Select the method of determining, or location from which to populate, the organization address that is included in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    • Default – Continue using your current setup options to pull the organization address. Data is not stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Override – Specify the address that is displayed on the Employee Preview pay check view and pay stub. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Organization Unit – Pull the address from the location of the employee's organization unit. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Legal Entity - Pull the address from the location of the employee's legal entity. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    Select the country to include in the payment output file used for check and receipt printing.
    Organization Phone
    Select the method of determining, or location from which to populate, the organization phone that is included in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    • Default – Continue using your current setup options to populate the organization phone number. Data is not stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Override – Specify a phone number to show on the Employee Preview pay check view and pay stub. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Organization Unit – Populate the phone number from the location of the employee's organization unit. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Legal Entity - Populate the phone number from the location of the employee's legal entity. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
  12. On the Pay Check Configuration tab, specify this information:
    Display Logo
    Select a display option, or location from which to populate, the display logo.
    • Organization - Logo is populated from Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organization
    • Organization Unit - Logo is populated from the employee's organization unit.
    • Override Logo - Select a specific logo and store it on this page.
    • Do Not Display - No logo is displayed on the pay stub.
    Configure Pay Check Sections
    Optionally, use these text fields to change the displayed value. If the text field is blank, the value is displayed as delivered. Select the Hide check box to remove that section from the Pay Check View PDF. Text must be removed from the Override Description before the section can be hidden.
  13. On the Payment Model Deductions tab, select the deduction code mappings that are used for this organization's health benefits and retirement options.
  14. On the Tax tab, specify this information:
    Tax Filter
    Select a tax filter option. This determines which taxes are returned from BSI TaxLocator. This selection can be overridden on the employee record.
    Enable Selected State Unemployment
    Select this check box for one unemployment deduction to be returned by BSI TaxLocator for Employee Tax Location records regardless of the employee's work state location. We recommend that the action is run in Deduction Maintenance > Assign Tax Deductions after this feature is enabled.
    Suppress Street Address For TaxLocator
    Select this check box to suppress passing the employee address lines 1 and 2 to BSI TaxLocator.
    Related Legal Entities
    Select this check box if the legal entities for this organization are related for tax purposes. Tax deductions that have a limit share the same wage base across legal entities.
    Benefit Contribution Allocation
    Select a benefit contribution allocation option. The selected option specifies how the distribution of flat amount pretax benefit deductions is handled when employees are paid in reciprocal situations.
    Local Reciprocal Calculations
    Select a local reciprocal calculation option.
    Tax Form Validation
    Select which tax forms are valid for the country configuration.
    TaxLocator Message Level and TaxFactory Message Level
    Select which tax vendor messages are returned and stored.
    Reciprocal Calculations
    Select this check box to have the tax vendor perform state reciprocal calculations.
    Local Maximum
    Select this check box if your organization uses the local maximum (coterminous) taxing methods provided by BSI. The local maximum tax method is used for overlapping jurisdictions that concurrently impose taxes, so the rate in each jurisdiction is limited to a percentage of the maximum permissible rate. This is used primarily in Pennsylvania.
    Maximum Calculation Attempts
    Specify a value to override the default number of recalculation passes made to BSI for an employee when the Calculate Payments action is run. Recalculation may be required when an employee does not have sufficient net pay to process all pretax deductions. When this field is left blank, the default is seven input passes to BSI TaxFactory. This can be temporarily overridden on the calculate payments parameters when the action is run with the Errors Only option selected. If a user determines the value consistently needs to be higher than seven when running the Calculate Payments action, the maximum calculation attempts value can be overridden here.
    Specify the username provided by the tax vendor.
    Specify the password provided by the tax vendor.
    Data Set
    Specify the name of the tax vendor data set to connect to.
    Enable Tax Vendor Display Log
    Select this check box to store off the inbound and outbound calls to the tax vendor. We recommend that 01/01/2000 is specified as the effective date when saving the record.
  15. On the ID Validation tab, select your preference of notification after ID numbers are validated. You can also opt to not have ID numbers validated.
    Select whether an Error or Warning message is displayed after a resource's ID has been validated. The Warning message displays an error, but the user can continue. A confirmation message is displayed if the logic detects a possible error. To bypass ID number validation, select No Validation.
    Select whether an Error or Warning message is displayed after a dependent's ID has been validated. The Warning message displays an error, but the user can continue. A confirmation message is displayed if the logic detects a possible error.
    Select whether an Error or Warning message is displayed after a candidate's ID has been validated. The Warning message displays an error, but the user can continue. A confirmation message is displayed if the logic detects a possible error.
  16. The Multiple Races tab is displayed if the Multiple Races field is enabled on the ID Validation tab. Specify this information:
    Send Email To Employee
    Select this check box to have this notification emailed to the employee. After this check box is selected, the requisite email fields are displayed.
    From Email
    Specify the email address from which the email is sent, such as the general Human Resources email address.
    Email Subject
    Specify the subject, such as "Ethnicity and Race Self Identification Survey," of the email that is sent to the employee.
    Email Text
    Specify the text of the email that is sent to the employee.
    Note: You must have ethnicity types set up to use this functionality. See EEO-1 reporting and the Infor HR Talent Resources Setup and Administration Guide for details.