Inactivating position qualifications and working conditions

You cannot inactivate a job competency, skill, education, credential, or working condition on the position record. You can inactivate a position competency, skill, education, credential, or working condition. If you do, the competency, skill, education, credential, or working condition will not be pulled into a new job requisition. It will not be changed on job postings.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Jobs And Positions > Positions.
  2. Open the position.
  3. Click the Qualifications tab.
  4. Highlight the competency, skill, education, or credential to inactivate.
  5. In the Active field, select No.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To inactivate a working condition, click the Working Conditions tab, select the condition to inactivate, and select No in the Active field.
  8. Click Save.