Creating competency groups

A competency group is used to group competencies and skills in any combination. A competency group can also contain a single competency or skill.

Create the skills and competencies to include in the group before you create the group.

  1. Select Qualifications > Competency Groups.
  2. In the Competency Group section, click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Specify the effective date.
    Competency Group
    Specify the name of the competency group.
    Optionally, specify a short description. The competency group name is the default description.
    Optionally, describe the competency group.
    The check box is selected by default.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Add competencies and skills to the group. A list of all competencies and skills for the organization is displayed in the Competencies And Skills table. Right-click the competency and skill and select Attach Competency And Skill.
    Note: Use CTRL-click or CTRL-shift to select multiple skills or competencies.

    You cannot add a competency or skill that already exists in another competency group that is attached to the same model.