Viewing organization structures

The organization structure is dynamic. As resources are assigned to or removed from an organization unit, the organization structure gets updated with the resources' names.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organization Units.
  2. On the Structure tab, navigate to the organization unit that you are interested in and select it. You can now view all of the resources in that structure in the Resources section.
  3. Open the organization unit and view more detailed information.

    For each organization unit, the Detail, Legal Entities, Resources Assigned, and Units Within tabs provide this information:

    • The organization unit's short description, description, and system-assigned identifier
    • Any legal entities or establishments that are associated with the organization unit
    • The resources that is assigned directly to the organization unit through their work assignments
    • All organization units within the selected organization's structure
  4. To view future-dated effective counts, go to the Organization Unit Counts report and specify an as-of date for the report.