Configurable features

You can use configurable features to show or hide fields and actions specific to certain features. The administrator configures these features at the organization level. If a feature is enabled, it is enabled for the entire organization, even if the feature is not used in all countries in which your organization operates.

Note: Configurable features are disabled by default.

Prerequisite setup

The only feature that requires additional setup is employment contracts. If your organization uses employment contracts, administrators and HR generalist roles must be assigned the additional security classes. This table shows the security classes that are required to access menu items related to employment contracts.

Role Security class
Admin AdminEmploymentContract
HRGeneralist HRGeneralistEmploymentContract
HRGeneralistActorOrgUnit HRGEneralistActorOrgUnitEmploymentContract

Effects on data

Note: Configurations apply only to a subset of fields and actions unique to a feature. The majority of fields and actions that are used in Infor HR Talent applications are common to all configurations and are displayed for all configurations.

The configuration feature only hides or displays existing data, it does not add or delete any data. All of the underlying fields are still present in the database.

The administrator can enable or disable features at any time. For example if your organization can start or stop using goal action plans at any time.

With the exception of employment contracts, where menu items are hidden unless users have the appropriate security class, setup menu items for fields that are hidden are still displayed. For example, the collective agreements menu items are still available. You can define collective agreements even if you do not enable the collective agreements feature. But you cannot select a collective agreement on a work assignment.