The withdrawal process

You can withdraw from a non-required activity in any status except Complete. You cannot withdraw from a required activity. Checklist activities are always required, therefore you cannot withdraw from checklist activities. Your manager or mentor can waive required activities.

You can withdraw from a session (event) if your registration is requested, confirmed, or wait-listed. You can perform this action from the To Do menu or from your development plan. The process is the same even if the activity is associated with a checklist.

If your organization uses Infor Learning Management

You can only withdraw from activities that are not imported from Infor Learning Management. For activities imported from Infor Learning Management, you must access the Infor Learning Management portal to cancel your activity registration.

You also must access Infor Learning Management to cancel your enrollment in a session (event) and to withdraw from the event. If an event is not configured for self-cancellation, your manager must cancel the event for you.