Creating safe-behavior records

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Health and Safety > Recognize Safe Behavior. Click the Recognize Safe Behavior link.

    Select Health and Safety > Safety tab > Recognized Safe Behaviors pane. Click +.

  3. On the Recognize Safe Behavior page, specify this information:

    Specify an employee ID for the employee for whom you are reporting safe behavior. This is a required field.

    Short Description

    Specify a short description of the safe behavior. This is a required field.

    Safe Behavior Category

    Select a category. This is a required field.

    Safe Behavior Date

    Specify the date you observed this safe behavior. This is a required field.


    Select the location where this safe behavior was observed.

    Detailed Description

    Specify a detailed description of the safe behavior you observed.

  4. Click Submit.

    The record that you created is displayed on your Reported By Me tab or Reported Safe Behaviors pane.

    It is displayed on the My Safe Behaviors pane of the employee about whom the report was made.