Requesting compensatory time off

You can perform this task only if your organization uses Absence Management.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select To Do > My Time.
    Or, select My Profile > Absences.
  3. Optionally, double-click a plan in the Plans column to view available balances.
  4. On the Compensatory Time Off tab, click the Request action that is in the same cell as the plan.
  5. Complete these fields:
    The date for which compensatory time is being requested.
    The number of hours of compensatory time that you are requesting.
    Additional Information
    Explain why this request meets your organization's guidelines for compensatory time off.
    Provide a document that supports your request.
  6. Click Submit.

    Compensatory-time-off requests are displayed. Your request is in Draft status.

  7. Click the Submit action that is in the same cell as the plan to submit all draft requests within the plan.