Refusing health components

You may be notified on your desktop, an email, or an email appointment that a health component applies to you and requires some action on your part.
  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Health and Safety > My Health Records > Health Records tab.


    Select Health and Safety > Health tab > Health Records.

  3. Open or select the health component.
    If this option is available, click View More (>) to display a page with the Search feature.
  4. Click Refuse.
    If this option is not available, note the component status. You cannot refuse a completed component.
  5. Specify this information:

    Select a reason for refusal.

    I Am Contraindicated At This Time

    Select this check box if you have a condition or situation that prohibits the completion of this health component.


    If you selected the Contraindicated check box, specify the date until which to defer, if applicable. For example, if you are refusing due to pregnancy, indicate the expected end date of the pregnancy.

    Attach Document

    Browse to the document to attach.

    Date Refused

    Select a date or accept today's date.


    Provide any additional information.

  6. Click Submit.