Fit analysis

The percent-fit value is calculated by adding up the number of your qualifications that are a match for the position, then dividing by the total number of qualifications. In a pure percent-fit gap analysis, an employee value that exceeds a qualification is not considered a match.

Administrators may use match margins to include results that do not exactly match the position requirements. For example, an organization can be configured to accept a match margin of one level below and one level higher than the required position level for skills. In this case, if a position requires a rating of 3 for a skill, and your level for that skill is 4, your qualification is considered a match. Employees' Percent With Margin score is often higher than their Percent Fit score.

If your organization is configured to use the percent-fit-analysis feature, you can:

  • Perform a percent-fit analysis that compares your qualifications with the qualification requirements for your position.
  • Perform a percent-fit analysis that compares your talent profile with another position's success profile, for example when applying for a different position in the organization.
  • View development gaps and identify activities that could help close a gap.
  • Model a fit analysis to compare your talent profile with the success profile that is defined for your current position.
Note: Your manager can perform a percent-fit analysis on your behalf.