Requesting to buy time off

This feature is available only if your organization uses the Absence Management application and if you have permission to buy time off.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select To Do > My Time.
  3. Click the Buy Time Off tab.
  4. Optionally, double-click a plan in the Plans column to view available balances.
  5. On the Buy Time Off tab, click the Request action that is in the same cell as the plan.
    The Request To Buy Time Off page is displayed with this information in hours or days:
    • Available For Request - displays your time-off balance. It includes your available balance minus any pending and approved time off requests.
    • Maximum To Buy - displays the maximum number of hours or days that you can purchase as defined by your organization. This number is updated as buy-time-off requests are approved.
  6. Complete the Days field by specifying the number of days that you want to buy.
    Verify that the amount that you specify meets the requirements for maximum hours or days to buy.
  7. Optionally, add more information or an attachment.
  8. Click Submit.

    Buy-time-off requests are displayed. Your request is in Draft status.

  9. Click the Submit action that is in the same cell as the plan to submit all draft requests within the plan.