Completing other-rater appraisals

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select My Reviews

    or My Profile > Performance.

  3. On the Other Rater tab, select the check box for an appraisal.
  4. In the toolbar, click Start Appraisal or Continue Appraisal.
    The Performance Appraisal: Other Rater page is displayed.
    Optionally, click the Instructions toolbar button to view the organization's directions for completing each section.
  5. Click the tabs to provide the requested information. Some tabs are displayed only if configured. Tabs might include:
    Our Values
    Evaluate Criteria
    Overall Evaluation Comments
  6. When the other-rater appraisal is complete, click Finish.

    Optionally, to exit the form and continue later, click Save And Close. To resume, click Continue Appraisal. You can modify your responses. Save each section that you change.

    After you click Finish, the appraisal is listed with 100-percent completion status on the Other Rater tab. You must now finalize it.