
Goals are achievements that you aim to accomplish within a defined time period and have formally recognized in the application. There are two types of goals that you can set as Employee:

  • Personal goals, which are related to your performance as an individual. For example, you might have a goal of improving your project-management skills for future advancement in the organization.

  • Aligned personal goals, which are tied to one or multiple organizational goals. Organizational goals are an organization's strategic goals, which can be set at any level of the organization structure. For example, your organization might have a strategic goal for improving customer satisfaction. If you align a personal goal with an organizational goal, they must share the same category. The dates for your personal goal must fall within the begin and end dates of the organizational goal.

    Organizational goals are set by the administrator.

Your profile can contain a goal that meets both definitions. For example, enhancing your team-building skills is a personal goal that could be aligned with an organizational goal.

You can copy any employee goal that is flagged as public. You can copy any organizational goal flagged as a template that is defined for your organization unit. For both types, you cannot copy a goal if it is of a type that requires goals to be approved by year, and the goal year has not been initiated by a manager. You also cannot copy a goal that has a rating scale for which you are not eligible.

After a goal is approved or accepted, it is assigned a status of Active. You can update your goal percentage of completion and ratings (for rated goals only). You can add comments, associate your goal with an activity, and align your goal with organizational goals. Your manager can update any field and delete your goal. If your organization uses automatic notifications, the manager will be notified by email that the goal has been updated.

You can pursue an activity to meet a specific goal by associating your activity with the goal. For example, you may attend a leadership seminar to meet a goal of developing leadership skills.