Applying for an opportunity

Before you apply for a position, verify that your employee profile is current.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Opportunities.
  3. Locate the listing in which you are interested.
    If the listing is no longer displayed, it might have expired or been removed.
  4. In the row for the listing, click the Apply Now button.
    If you are retrieving the listing on the Job Cart tab, and the Apply Now button is not available, the listing might have expired or been removed. Open the listing for more information.
  5. Optionally, on the Profile tab of the application wizard, click View/Update to preview or change your profile information before submitting the application.
  6. Optionally, select check boxes for Work Preferences, Competencies, Credentials and Achievements, and Employment and Education History to include this information in your application. Employment and Education History includes references.
    You can change your selections later in the application process. The information you provide here is specific to this job application and does not carry over to your profile.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Resume tab, select Attach to upload a resume or CV, cover letter, tax forms, or other document into the list of included documents.
    The initial list contains the documents that are part of your profile. Add and remove documents until the list displays the documents that you want to include in this application.
  9. Designate or change the primary resume, if more than one resume is attached to this application. Only the primary resume is sent to the recruiter for this application.

    You can select to add a new resume. It is not automatically designated as the primary resume if another resume is already present. Use the Attach To feature to select whether to add the new resume to All Applications or This Application.

    You cannot delete a resume that has been designated as primary until you first designate a different resume as primary. Deleting a resume does not remove it from other applications where it was designated as primary.

  10. Click Next.

    If you previously selected the Work Preferences check box, the Preferences tab is available to edit. See Updating work preferences.

    If you previously selected the Employment and Education History check box, the My History tab is available to edit. See Requesting to complete an education record.

    If you previously selected the Competencies, Credentials and Achievements check box, the Talent Profile tab is available to edit. See Talent profile.

    Select Next after editing each tab.

  11. On the Summary page, select Review Application to verify the information that will be submitted.
    Optionally, select Next to walk through the application sections again. Select Continue to end the edit process.
  12. When your application is complete, click Submit Application.