Adding dependents and beneficiaries

The Enrollment menu is available if it has been configured by an administrator.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Benefits > Enrollment.
  3. Click the Dependents And Beneficiaries tab. Your current dependents and beneficiaries are displayed.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Specify this information:
    Add a Will or Trust as Beneficiary
    Select this check box if the beneficiary is a will or trust.
    Specify the title of the dependent or beneficiary.
    First Name
    Specify the first name of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Middle Name
    Specify the middle name of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Last Name
    Specify the last name of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Specify the suffix of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Professional Designation
    Specify the professional designation for the dependent or beneficiary.
    Preferred First Name
    Specify the preferred first name of the dependent or beneficiary if it differs from the actual first name.
    Preferred Last Name
    Specify the preferred last name of the dependent or beneficiary if it differs from the actual last name.
    For beneficiaries only. If the beneficiary is a will or trust, specify the name of the entity.
    New Identification Number
    Specify the identification number for the dependent or beneficiary, such as the social security number. The identification number is assumed to be in the format of whatever country is in the resource's address.

    A dependent can have one identification number per country. If a dependent requires more than one identification number, add the first one here. Then open the dependent's record and add more numbers on the Identification Numbers tab.

    Specify the relationship of the dependent or beneficiary to the employee.
    Specify the birth date of the dependent or beneficiary in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon to select the birth date.
    Adoption Date
    For dependents only. If the dependent was adopted, specify the adoption date of the dependent in the MM/DD/YYYY format or click the calendar icon to select the adoption date.
    Placement Date
    For dependents only. If the dependent was placed into your family, specify the placement date of the dependent in the MM/DD/YYYY format or click the calendar icon to select the placement date.
    For dependents only. Select the gender of the dependent.
    For dependents only. Select Yes or No.
    For dependents only. Select whether the dependent is a student. You can also select whether the dependent is a full-time or part-time student.
    For dependents only. Select whether the dependent is disabled.
    Country Code
    Select the country code for the home or work phone of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Phone Number
    Specify the phone number for the home or work phone of the dependent or beneficiary.
    The extension of the home or work phone of the dependent or beneficiary.
    My Home Address
    Select the check box to use your home address as the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    My Mailing Address
    Select the check box to use your mailing address as the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Select the country for the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Street Address
    Specify the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Specify the city for the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    State / Province
    Select the state or province for the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Zip Code
    Specify the zip code for the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    County / District
    Specify the county or district for the address of the dependent or beneficiary.
    Note: Complete the address of the dependent or beneficiary only if their address is not your home or mailing address.
  6. Click OK.