Investigating an incident

Perform this task if you have been assigned to investigate a safety incident or near-miss incident.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select Health and Safety > My Investigations. Click the Safety Incidents or Near Miss Incidents tab.

    Select Health and Safety > Safety tab pane. View the pane for Incident Investigations or Near Miss Investigations.

  3. Open the record.
  4. Specify your detailed findings about the incident on these tabs:
    Update the date and time of the incident.
    Update details about where the incident happened. Select the appropriate value for the Establishment field, if there are multiple establishments assigned to the location.
    Detailed Description
    Update or add a detailed description of the incident.
    Update any observation that contributed to the incident. Optionally, request additional observation input. Optionally, click the Request Observation Input action.
    Employee Cases
    View the list of employees who were impacted by the incident. Optionally, click the Create action to add more employees to this list.

    See Adding an employee case to an incident.

    Non Employee Cases
    View the list of non-employees who were impacted by the incident. Optionally, click the Create action to add more people to this list. Examples of non-employees are outside vendors or customers.

    See Adding a non-employee case to an incident.

    View the document attachments that are associated with the incident. Optionally, click the Create Incident Attachment action to add more documents, photos, diagrams, or medical reports.
  5. Click Save.