Requesting time off

You can perform this task only if your organization uses Absence Management.

If your organization uses email automation, then you may receive emails or notifications when your request is approved, updated, canceled, or rejected.

  1. Sign in as Employee.
  2. Select To Do > My Time.

    Or, select My Profile > Absences tab. Select the check box for a plan, then click Calendar.

  3. On the Time Off Calendar tab, click one or more dates, then select Time Off Request from the menu.
    The Request Time Off page is displayed.
  4. Complete these fields:
    Click the icon to display a list of time-off plans, for example Paid Time Off or Sick. Select the plan that describes the nature of your time-off request. For the selected plan, this information is expressed as hours and as days:
    • Available — the balance currently held on the plan. An alert denotes that carryover hours are included in the available balance.

    • Pending + Approved — includes all requested time off plus all approved time off that has not yet been processed by the plan administrator.

    • % of Limit — shows how close your available balance is to reaching the limit that you can hold in the plan, if a limit applies. Your organization can configure the plan limit.

    • Available For Request — the balance available to request. It is available balance minus pending plus approved balance.

    • Projected Available – the hours you are projected to have available at the time of the date you selected on the Time Off Calendar. These hours are displayed if Future Projected Balances have been enabled for your absence plan.
    Specify the time range for which you are asking time off. In From, specify the first workday that is to be missed. In To, specify the last day that is to be missed. The default values are the dates you selected on the calendar.
    Full Day, Half Day
    You can select a portion of the day to request.
    You can specify the number of hours of work that are to be missed during the From/To time range. Do not count non-workdays and non-work hours.
    Additional Information
    Optionally, add information to support your request.
    Optionally, add a document to support your request.
  5. Select Submit request for approval.
    Or, click Save as draft and submit later.
  6. Click OK.
    If you selected to create a time-off request that overlaps with an existing request, then you are prompted to confirm your selection.

    Optionally, view your requests by selecting My Profile > Absences > Calendar. Draft requests are displayed only to you. They are listed on the Unsubmitted Requests pane of the Time Off Calendar tab. To submit them for approval, click Submit All.

    Note: Your organization configures the plan rules for exceeding your available time-off balance. You might receive an error or warning message.