Adjusting distributed budget amounts

Note: Not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.

Use this procedure to adjust distributed budget amounts for individual managers (budget owners).

Note: Adjusting distributed budget amounts does not change the total budget amount. The system does not let you create an adjustment if the adjustment causes the total of the distributed budget amounts to exceed the actual budget amount for the total budget.
  1. Select Development Planning > Learning Budgets > Calculate Budgets.
  2. Click the Calculation Results tab.
  3. On the Budgets panel, select the budget to adjust.
  4. On the Distributed Budget Amounts panel, select the manager for whom you want to adjust the distributed amount and select Adjust Actual Amount.
  5. On the Adjust Budget Amount form, specify the adjustment amount in the Adjustment Amount field.
    Note: To reduce a total budget amount, specify a negative number.
  6. Click OK to confirm the adjustment.

    The new amount appears in the manager's Actual Budget Amount column.

    Note: The calculated total budget amount remains unchanged.
  7. To undo the adjustments, you can either specify a reverse adjustment or recalculate the budget. Recalculating the budget restores the total budget amount and the distributed budget calculations to their original values.
    Note: If you recalculate the budget, you must to refresh the form to display the new numbers.