Canceling or waiving development activities

Note: If your organization uses learning budgets, you can also cancel or waive a development activity from the budget with which it is associated.
  1. Select Development Planning > Resources > Resource Activities, and select the resource for whom to cancel or waive an activity.


    (Learning manager) Select Development Planning > Development Tasks, and locate the activity to cancel or waive.


    (Administrator) Select To Do > Development Tasks, and locate the activity to cancel or waive.

  2. Select the development activity to cancel or waive.
  3. Select Actions > Cancel Activity or Actions > Waive Activity .
  4. Specify an action reason (required) and an optional comment, and click OK.

    The development activity is moved to the Activity History tab and to the Historical Activities tab of the resource's development plan (Development Planning > Resources > Development Plans. If the resource was already registered, the registration is automatically cancelled.

    Note: Cancel and waive action reason codes are defined in Administrator > Set Up with a subject of HCMEmployeeLearningStopped.