Loading personal development balances with the Update Balances set action

If you are loading the same number of hours for each resource in a custom group, you can use the Update Balances set option.


Balances that you load are added to the current balances. If you are using this procedure to load initial balances, first ensure that all balances have been reset to zero.

  1. Select Development Planning > Utilities > Balance Updates > Balance Updates.
  2. On the Balance Updates form, specify this information:
    Eligibility Group

    To update balances only for the resources that belong to an eligibility group, select the eligibility group.

    The eligibility group must be defined in Infor HR Talent with a business class or Employee and a subject of HCMGroupLearningPersonalDevelopmentHours.

    For example, if the number of hours added to a resource depends on whether a resource is part-time or full-time, you can define an eligibility group for each FTE > 0.5 and another for FTE =< 0.5.

    Hours To Add

    Specify the number of personal development hours to add for all resources included in the action.

    Note: If you are using this action to adjust existing balances (rather than load initial balances), you can specify a negative number.

    Optionally, specify comments.

  3. Click OK to run the action immediately.


    Click Schedule to schedule the action to run at a later time or on a set schedule.

  4. Select Development Planning > Utilities > Balance Updates > Balance Update Results to see which resources were updated and the resulting balances.