Development Planning roles

This topic describes the roles in the Development Planning application.

About learning manager/administrator roles

There are two learning manager/administrator roles from the Infor security viewpoint. Your configuration determines which role is used. Both roles access their tasks in the Development Planning process board, but each process board is tailored to the tasks to which they have access. Administrators who are also learning managers also access the learning manager functionality in a Development Planning process board that is distinct from the Administrator process board.

  • If Infor Learning Management interface is not enabled, learning managers/administrators are assigned the LearningAdministrator_ST security role. All the tasks are contained within Development Planning. All of the development activities and sessions are created and maintained in Development Planning and registration and employee attendance.

  • If Infor Learning Management interface is enabled, learning managers/administrators are assigned the LearningAdministratorLMS_ST security role. The process board gives them access to a subset of the Development Planning functionality. It also gives them access to the Infor Learning Management portal, where they can create and maintain courses (development activities) and events (sessions), and register employees. When the courses are imported back to the Development Planning catalog as development activities, learning managers can add prerequisites and outcomes to them, and assign them to checklists.

Development Planning Roles

Role Tasks

Learning Manager/Administrator

(Infor Learning Management not enabled)

Security role: LearningAdministrator_ST


If your organization uses learning budgets, budgets must be enabled for the organization and the learning manager/administrator must have specific security to access budgets.


  • Define and maintain mentors.
  • Assign mentees to mentors.
  • Define and maintain checklists.
  • Assign resources to checklists.
  • Maintain resource checklist
  • Monitor checklist component progress (development tasks).
  • Validate or waive checklist components.
  • Complete checklists.
  • Monitor checklist compliance.

Development activity and session setup

  • Set up development activity and session data.
  • Define and maintain learning providers.
  • Define and maintain instructors.
  • Define and maintain development activities (build the catalog).
  • Define and maintain sessions.
  • *Define and maintain budgets and learning budgets.

Resource development activities

  • * Prepare the learning budgets from the development activity requests submitted by managers, employees, mentors, and themselves.
  • Assign activities.
  • Register resources in sessions.
  • Track session registration availability.
  • Manage waiting lists
  • Generate notifications.
  • Track attendance
  • Complete development activities.
  • *Track actual versus planned expenses.
  • * Update actual costs.
  • Produce reports.

Learning Manager/Administrator

(Infor Learning Management enabled)

Security role: LearningAdministratorLMS_ST


  • Define and maintain mentors.
  • Assign mentees to mentors.
  • Define and maintain checklists.
  • Assign resources to checklists.
  • Maintain resource checklist
  • Monitor checklist component progress (development tasks).
  • Validate or waive checklist components.
  • Complete checklists.
  • Monitor checklist compliance.

Development activity and session setup

  • Set up development activity data.
  • Define and maintain development activities (no sessions).

Resource development activities

  • Assign activities.
  • Register resources in courses (in Infor Learning Management).
  • Track session registration availability (in Infor Learning Management).
  • Complete development activities.

Resource Manager

Security role: DirectSupervisor_ST


Manager tasks are described in the Infor HR Talent Manager Guide.


  • Designate mentors among their direct reports.
  • Assign mentees to mentors.
  • Monitor their direct reports' checklists and development tasks.
  • Assign checklists to their direct reports.
  • Validate checklist components for their direct reports.
  • Complete checklists for their direct reports.

Development activities

  • View the catalog.
  • Suggest an activity for the catalog.
  • Assign development activities to their direct reports.
  • Register direct reports for a session.
  • Mark a development activity as Finished.
  • * Track development activity requests against the budget.
  • Assign personal activities (non-catalog activities) on behalf of direct reports.
  • Develop development plans for direct reports.


Security role: Employee_ST


Employee tasks are described in the Infor HR Talent Employee Guide.


  • Monitor their own checklists and development tasks.
  • Acknowledge components that they have completed.
  • If requested and qualified, validate a checklist component as a peer validator.

Development activities

  • View the catalog.
  • Suggest an activity for the catalog.
  • Request a development activity directly from the catalog.
  • Register for sessions for development activities that are assigned to them.
  • Mark a development activity as Finished.
  • Manage individual development plan.
  • Request a personal development activity.

Mentor tasks are described in the Infor HR Talent Mentor Guide.

Mentors are specifically designated resources who can perform the following tasks for their mentees (the resources they are assigned to as mentors). Any employee can be designated as a mentor. A mentor will perform mentor tasks in the Mentor process board.

  • Monitor their checklists and development tasks
  • Assign checklists to their mentees.
  • Validate checklist components for their mentees.
  • Complete checklists for their mentees.
  • Assign development activities to their mentees.
  • Assign personal activities (non-catalog activities) on behalf of mentees.

Peer tasks are described in the Infor HR Talent Employee Guide.

Peers are used exclusively in the context of checklists. Peers are resources who are able to validate other resources' skill or competency components. Peers can validate only the same skills and/or competencies that they are themselves.

This is not a security role. Any employee can be designated as a peer.


Providers are not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.

Providers are organizations that provide development activities (which may consist of classroom learning, e-learning, or any other type of learning methodology). Providers can be internal or external.

External providers do not have access to the system. However, Development Planning maintains provider contact information, including direct access to the providers' email and/or web sites.

For providers with whom an organization has a contract, Development Planning helps maintain provider contract information and track payments.

If an organization directly provides instruction for a development activity, it must also be maintained as a learning provider.


Instructors are not applicable if you are using Infor Learning Management.

Instructors can be assigned to providers. Instructors must exist as resources in the system a relationship to the organization (not necessarily employees).