Calculating allowance payouts

For resources who have allowances defined, you must create payout records that can be interfaced to the payroll. You can create allowance payout records in Pending or Finalized status.

  1. Select Compensation > Pay Rate Processing > Allowances > Calculate Payouts.
  2. Specify this information:
    Payout Frequency

    Select the payout frequency. The action only processes allowances with that payout frequency. If you use multiple payout frequencies, then you must run or schedule this action for each payout frequency.

    Create With Payout Status

    If you select Pending, then the records are created in Pending status. You must finalize them on Compensation > Pay Rate Processing > Allowances > Maintain Payouts before they can be interfaced to the payroll system.

    If you select Finalized, then the records are created in Finalized status and are ready to be interfaced to the payroll system. You can view them on the Finalized tab of Compensation > Pay Rate Processing > Allowances > Maintain Payouts.

  3. Click Submit to create the records immediately.

    Click Schedule to create a schedule to run this action on a regular basis (for example, to coincide with a payroll run).

  4. Access Compensation > Pay Rate Processing > Allowances > Maintain Payouts to view the records that were created by this action.