Building conditions with the condition builder

The Condition Builder has three columns. You can add more than one condition on the Condition Builder. If you select Match All, then all of the conditions must be met. If you select Match Any, then any one of the conditions must be met.

  1. In the left column, select the employee-related field to which to assign a condition. For example, to select employees for HR organization 7004, click the arrow next to the HROrganization name and select HROrganization. This condition is displayed in the condition as HROrganization.HROrganization.
  2. In the middle column, select the condition operator. For example, is equal to.
  3. In the right column, specify the value. For example, 7004.
  4. To add another condition, click the Plus (+) button.
  5. Add another condition in the second row, if applicable. For example, for resources with a relationship to organization of EMPLOYEE to be eligible, specify the condition RelationshipToOrganization (left column) is equal to (center column) EMPLOYEE (right column).
  6. Continue adding conditions as needed. For example, add RelationshipStatus is equal to Active for the three conditions as a group consisting of all active employees in organization 7004.
    Note: To remove a condition from the Condition Builder, click the Minus (-) button next to the condition.
  7. Click OK.
    Defined conditions are added in the condition box separated by "and" or "or," depending if you selected Match All or Match Any.
  8. To remove a condition after it is created, remove it from the text box. You can also edit a condition within the text.
  9. To add more conditions, click the Builder button, specify your conditions as defined above, and click OK.

    You are prompted about replacing the existing conditions with these conditions, or whether to append the conditions to the existing conditions. If you select append, then the conditions are added at the end of the other conditions.