Creating custom groups

Administrators, generalists, compensation analysts, and learning managers can create custom groups from their respective spaces.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Custom Groups.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Custom Group
    Specify the name and description of the custom group.
    Specify the description of the custom group.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date on which the custom group becomes effective.
    Business Class
    Select a business class. Infor HR Talent applications have logic for custom groups that are created with the Employee, Supervisor, Work Assignment, and Job Application business classes. Custom groups that are created for any other business classes can be used as a tool for previewing information. They cannot be attached to a form. The user guides for each application indicate which business classes are used in custom groups for the application.

    Specify or build your condition, using LPL syntax. The condition defines the selection criteria for the custom group.

    If you do not know LPL syntax, click Builder to access the Condition Builder tool.

    For information about this tool, see Building conditions with the condition builder.

  4. To preview the employees that are of the custom group, click Preview.
    Note: The Preview button is enabled when a condition is specified in correct LPL syntax.

    The List Name field default is primary, which is the primary list for the business class.

    Select another list to see the same employees selected for the custom group, but with different information for those employees.

    Note: If you modify the list definition for the previewed list, reset the list modifications after you have previewed the list. If you do not resent, the list is changed everywhere it is used in the application.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Specify the subject or subjects for which the custom group is used.
    1. In the Business Class Group Subjects region, click Create.
    2. On the Custom Group Subject form, specify this information:
      Select the context in which the custom group can be selected. For example, select HCMGroupCompProgram if the custom group defines a group of employees that are eligible for a compensation program.
      Note: Most custom group subjects include the string "Group." Filter the subject list on *Group* to display those subjects. The exceptions are the VETS and EEO1 subjects that you can locate by filtering on *VET* and *EEO*, respectively.
      Effective Date
      Select the date on which the custom group becomes selectable for the subject.
    3. Click Save.