Calculating resource budgets

Use this procedure to calculate budget amounts and create budget records for a compensation awarding view. This action is based on the budget calculation rules that are defined for the planning rules included in the compensation awarding view. This action creates budget amounts that are based on a percentage of an employee's salary, a percentage of a zone in a salary range, or a flat amount.

Note: If there is a market adjustment planning rule, then an adjustment is calculated to the work assignment pay rate for resources whose current pay rate is below the salary structure range. The adjustment amount is annualized to arrive at the budget amount for the annual work assignment. It is converted to the currency of the planning rule that is the default on all records created.

This procedure also creates resource and manager budget records. These records are viewed and updated during the awarding process. If guidelines are provided on the planning rule, then these guidelines are displayed on the budget records.

This action can be reprocessed. The original records are deleted and recreated based on the new rules. There is an exception for the records that include bonus amounts that were calculated as part of an incentive compensation program.

  1. Select Compensation > Awarding > Budget Process > Calculate Budgets.
  2. On the Calculate Budgets form, specify this information:
    Awarding View
    Select an existing awarding view and version date.
    Eligibility Group
    Select an eligibility group for the budget calculation.
    Delete Error Records
    Resource budget records are not created if work assignments are linked to a step and grade schedule, or if work assignments have no pay rate and currency or annual hours.

    To delete all previous error records, select this check box.

    If you do not select this check box, then previous error records are not deleted. They are available for review in addition to any new error records that are created.

    Default Performance Rating
    If the planning rule for this awarding view includes a performance component, then specify the default performance rating for the appraisal. Or, assign a default rating scale and performance rating on all records that are created.

    The manager can override the performance rating if this action is defined on the awarding view.

    From Last Appraisal As Of
    If you specified a default performance appraisal rating, select the date to be used to determine the rating.
    • Select Version Date to use the rating in effect as of the awarding view version date.
    • Select Budget Calculation As Of Date to use the rating in effect as of the planning rule's Budget Calculation As Of Date.
    • Specify an end date or date range.

      Specify an end date only to use the most recent appraisal rating with an end date before or on the specified end date.

      Specify a begin and end date to use the most recent appraisal rating with an end date that falls within the specified date range.

    Default Rating And Score
    If you specified a default performance appraisal rating and are using the same rating scale in the performance rating and the awarding view, select this option to use the rating and score of the awarding view.
    Default Score Only And Calculate Rating
    If you specified a default performance appraisal rating, select this option to calculate the rating based an awarding view rating scale that differs from the performance appraisal rating scale.

    This option assumes that the rating scales for the performance appraisal and the awarding view have score ranges defined.

    Assign Performance Rating Scale, Rating
    If the planning rule for this awarding view includes a performance component, and you do not specify default existing appraisal ratings, you can assign a rating scale and rating. This scale applies to all the records created by the calculation.

    The rating scale must match the awarding view's rating scale.

    The manager can override the performance rating if this action is defined on the awarding view.

  3. Click OK to run the action immediately or click the Schedule button to run the action at a later date.
    All resources in this eligibility group are processed using the budget calculated rules that you defined with the planning rules.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Finalize the budgets and make them available to budget owners. See Making budgets available to budget owners.