Types of rate progressions

  • Rate progressions can be based on these types of rules:

    • Length of time rules

      For example:

      3 months from Hire Date (Length of Time)

      6 months from last Step movement

      Anniversary Date

      This requirement can apply to all steps or to specific steps.

    • Performance rating rules

      The resource attains a specific performance rating level on the current performance review (for example, Satisfactory or Distinguished).

    • Hours threshold rules

      The resource’s hours balance reaches a specific number of hours; for example, 1040 hours.

      Eligible hours are tracked in an absence management or payroll application and interfaced into Infor HR Talent.

  • You can define rate progression rules that are based on:

    • Length of time

    • Performance rating

    • Hours threshold

    • Length of time OR hours threshold

    • Length of time AND hours threshold

    • Length of time AND performance rating

    • Performance rating AND hours threshold

  • Any of the rate progression rules, can also include a waiting period.

    For example, the resource is paid at a probationary rate until they are eligible to move to Step 1.

    You can base a waiting period on a length of service.

    You can specify a probationary rate on the resource's work assignment.