Making bonus objective periods available for payout

Throughout the bonus period, employees and managers can make changes to bonus objectives (for example, track the percent complete). At the end of the period, update bonus objectives with a percent complete and a date of completion if 100%. Update bonus objectives with a rating, if the goal is rated.


If an attached bonus objective uses a goal type with the External Results option selected, then the external results must be specified. The goal must be completed before you can use the Ready For Payout action for that bonus objective.

Managers can make bonus objectives components available for payout without going through an approval process.

  1. Select Manager > Adjust Compensation > Bonus Objectives.
  2. On My Staff, select the employee for whom you to make a payout available.
  3. On the Active tab, select the employee's bonus objective period to make available and select Ready For Payout.

    The bonus objectives period is now available for payout and is displayed on the Pending Payout tab. When the payout is interfaced to the payroll system, it is moved to the Historical tab.