Undoing approvals

The Undo Approval action is only used by the compensation Analyst or administrator to reverse any approved budget with pending pay rates that have not been processed. Use this action to modify any budget that has been approved.

The Undo Approval action can only take place when work assignments have not been updated with new pay rates. Undo Approval does not occur when lump sum awards, bonus awards, or equity awards have been finalized.

  1. Select Compensation Analyst > Awarding > Awarding Process > Roll Up Approval Views.
  2. Select an awarding view.
  3. Select a manager.
  4. Click Undo Approval.
    Pending new pay rate records are deleted.

    Pending lump sum awards, bonus awards, and equity awards are deleted.

    The manager awarding record status changes from Approved to Submitted.

    Employee awards have a status of Submitted. Only the compensation analyst can update employee awards that are in Submitted status.