Creating special incentive payouts without approval

  1. Select Compensation > Incentive Compensation > Payouts > Special Incentives.
  2. On the Finalized tab, click Create.
  3. On the Resource Special Incentive Payout form, specify this information:
    Employment ID

    Select the resource that will receive a special incentive payout.

    Work Assignment

    Select the resource's work assignment.

    Pay Component

    Required. Select the special incentive pay component to be used.

    Payment Date

    Required. Specify the date of payment.

    Incentive Amount

    Specify the amount of the payment that you request. The payment is assumed to be in the currency that displays next to the amount, which is the resource's work assignment currency.

    Pay Code

    Assign a pay code that will be used when the payout is imported into the payroll system.

    Special Instructions

    Specify any instructions or questions.

  4. Click Save.

    The special incentive is immediately created with a status of Finalized.